2023 P&F Report
The Parents and Friends (P&F) ran two major fundraisers in 2023. The Spud Shed offered Our Lady of Mercy College the chance to run a sausage sizzle on their Fun Day. We had teams of parents and students working their scheduled sessions during the day while surrounded by stalls and rides. The Spud Shed very generously provided all that was required for the sausage sizzle, including the sausages, buns and drinks – and, importantly, the sauce – so 100 per cent of the profit went to our school.
The second event was a wine fundraiser through Willow Bridge Winery. This was very well supported by Our Lady of Mercy College staff and parents. There was the choice of Willow Bridge’s 2022 Water Dancer Sauvignon Blanc Semillon (SBS), 2021 Water Dancer Cabernet Merlot, or a mixed carton of both.
Through the fundraisers and from the P&F Levy that parents contribute, the P&F was able to approve the following extensive list to benefit Our Lady of Mercy College students:
E-Sports equipment | Jewellery class items | Freezer for Breakfast Club and PE | Ministry trolley
PE Netball and Basketball uniforms | 100 Chairs and 12 tables | Woodwork embellishment tools
Special thanks to Lucia Harberts (Vice President) and Pratik Patel (Treasurer) for the role they played on the P&F Executive and to Mr Rob Crothers and Mr Vince Bellini for their guidance and support.
Mr Paul Cronin, P&F President