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Booklists 2024

Booklists for 2024 can be found by clicking the link provided below. Subject lists will be sent to existing families through SEQTA by Week 8 of Term 4. Kindly refrain from placing book orders until you have received your child's specific subject list.


Year 7 Booklist for 2024


Year 8 Booklist for 2024


Year 9 Booklist for 2024


Year 10 Booklist for 2024


Year 11 Booklist for 2024


Year 12 Booklist for 2024



If you have any questions regarding the booklist or need assistance with ordering books, please reach out directly to Campion at (08) 6240 2778.


Orders can be placed on the Campion website:


For those interested in buying or selling second-hand uniforms and books within our school community, there is a community Facebook page available for your convenience. It's important to note that this Facebook page is independently managed and not affiliated with the College.



Embracing life  |  Nurturing faith  |  Inspiring learning

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