Thank you for expressing an interest in a place for your child at Our Lady of Mercy College. We understand that choosing a school for your child is one of life’s major decisions and requires careful thought.
Our prime focus is to ensure that your child’s educational experience enables them to develop fully and empowers them to make a positive contribution to society. We hold strongly to the view that the success of every student is important.
To begin the enrolment process, please download the Application for Enrolment Form and return it to the College along with the required supporting documents listed on the form. Kindly note that we cannot accept screenshots or photos of documents; please ensure all documents are submitted in PDF format. You may also contact our Enrolments Department on (08) 9720 3300 (Opt. 1) to arrange payment of the $50.00 application fee.
Year 7-12, 2025 Enrolments:
Please contact the Enrolments Department by phone, as some year groups are currently at capacity.
​Year 7, 2026 Enrolments:
Please be advised that this year group is at capacity. Please contact the Enrolments Department by phone on (08) 9720 3300 for further information.
Year 7, 2027, 2028, 2029 Enrolments:
Below is information regarding the College Enrolment Process for students wishing to enrol for Year 7, 2027, 2028 and 2029.
Step 1: Enrolment Application
Application for Enrolment Form
To begin the enrolment process, please download the Application for Enrolment Form and return it to the College along with the required supporting documents listed on the form. Kindly note that we cannot accept screenshots or photos of documents; please ensure all documents are submitted in PDF format.
You may also contact our Enrolments Department on (08) 9720 3300 (Opt. 1) to arrange payment of the $50.00 application fee.
Step 2: Enrolment Interviews
Enrolment interviews are conducted when your child is in Year 5. This interview offers a valuable opportunity to learn more about the College, ask any questions you may have, and allow us to get to know your family better. We look forward to discussing how we can support your child’s educational journey.
Step 3: Offer Documents and Confirmation of Enrolment
Following a successful interview, we will send offer documents to families. To secure your child’s place, please return the signed offer documents and pay the enrolment deposit by the deadline specified in the offer letter.
If all places are filled, your child’s name will be placed on a waitlist, and we will contact you as soon as a position becomes available.
Step 4: Orientation Day
In Term 4 of your child’s final year of primary school, they will be invited to attend Orientation Day. This day is designed to give students a deeper understanding of what to expect in high school and to start forming connections with their future classmates.
If you have any questions or require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to welcoming your family to our College community!
Enrolment Priority:
All enrolments are assessed against the Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) Enrolment Directives and Priorities. For more information, please visit the CEWA website.
College Tours:
College Tours are offered regularly throughout the year and are a wonderful opportunity for future parents and students to explore the College. Please visit this page to book a tour.
Application for Enrolment Form
Please return to:
Enrolments Department
Our Lady of Mercy College
100 Leisure Drive, PO Box 220, Australind, WA 6233
Ph: (08) 9720 3300
Other useful links are:​
If you would like further information in relation to your application for enrolment, please contact the Enrolments Department, by calling (08) 9720 3300 or by emailing enrolments@olmca.wa.edu.au.