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Applied Information Technology

Course Description

The rapid changes in digital technologies have created new challenges and opportunities in lifestyle, entertainment, education and commerce. Skills in this area are in constant and high demand. Hence, this will lead to better employability opportunities. This course provides students with the necessary digital technologies skills to become world ready. It facilitates developing the necessary skills and knowledge required to face the world’s ever-changing digital climate. Students also gain an understanding of computer systems and networks. In undertaking projects and designing solutions, the legal, ethical and social issues associated with each solution are also considered and evaluated. The Applied Information Technology ATAR course provides a sound theoretical and practical foundation, offering excellent transferable skills and pathways to further studies in a wide range of careers.

Minimum Entry Requirements

B Grade or higher in General English as analysis in response components of course does require high order thinking and depth.


For assessment criteria and Year 12 course details, please visit the SCSA page of this subject.

Embracing life  |  Nurturing faith  |  Inspiring learning

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