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College Sports Captains Noah and Calista Bring the Latest Sports Update

During our recent assembly, Sports Captains Noah and Calista provided an update on some fantastic sports achievements within the College community:

Good morning staff and students. We are here to update you on what has happened in sports since the end of last term:


ACC Basketball

Our latest game saw our senior boys take on Prendiville Catholic College here at the College in a round-of-16 clash. This is the first time Our Lady of Mercy College has hosted a game, and the team started brightly and took a 10-point lead into the halftime break. Prendiville responded well in the 3rd quarter and went on a scoring run and were leading by 4 points at 3rd quarter time. The team regrouped, finished the game off strongly, and ended up winning by 7 points, 43 to 36.

The three teams played the quarter-finals in Perth (final 8 in the competition). Our senior boys played against Chisholm Catholic College and both junior boys and girls competed against John Septimus Roe. Despite their outstanding efforts and determination, the teams, unfortunately, didn't make it to the finals.


Our Lady of Mercy Athletics Carnival

At our Athletics Carnival last term, we had many individuals who achieved outstanding results and broke the College event record. Mr Crothers presented these students with certificates as the whole College acknowledged their efforts with a big applause.


Interschool Athletics Carnival

The interschool athletics competition was held recently, and as a College, we won ‘B’ grade last time, so we were promoted into the ‘A’ competition. We took a large team of around 80 students and had a team-focus approach of performing the best we could in our event to gain as many points as we could for the College.

The College ended up finishing 3rd in the lower school, 1st in the upper school and 2nd overall, which is our highest result and a fantastic effort by all the students.

We also had some individual students who performed well on the day. Brooklyn Matthews won the Year 8 Runner-up Champion Girl, Andrew Roney won the Year 9 Runner-up Champion Boy, and Thomas Cross won the Open Champion Boy. Their medallions will be presented to the students when they arrive from School Sports WA.

Congratulations to all students who participated!


Individual Honours

We want to take this time to acknowledge some outstanding individuals who have excelled in their chosen fields.

Congratulations to the following:

Well done to Year 7 student Dante Burnham for taking home the Under 18 State Title at the Lawn Bowls Championship recently.

Congratulations to Ben Lawler and Bree Chalk, who made it to the State Country U18s Basketball and Ella Edwards and Trent Faulkner, who made it to the State Basketball Team.

Well done to CJ Sheahen, who made it to the State 15s AFL Team and will represent the State in the School Girls AFL Football Competition to be held in Ballarat, Victoria.

Congrats to Will York and Basil Hart, who have been selected for the U16s State AFL Squad.

Bravo to Jay Pfoeffer who has been selected for the U12 State Cricket Team.

Sienna Ramshaw has made the State 18s Girls Hockey Team. Remarkable achievement!

Australind Swimming Club advised us that they have wrapped up the 22/23 swimming season with some fantastic results. OLMC students Keiro Jocson, Kael O’Byrne, Jay Pfoeffer and Annabelle Hanson qualified & competed at the 2023 Junior State Championships in Perth. Kyle Jocson, Josie Abdy and Chloe McDonald all qualified and competed at the 2023 End of Year Extravaganza in Perth. Well done!

Sophia Tomas attended the Japan Karate Association State Championship in Perth in April and won 3 events out of 4!

1st in Kumite (free fighting) Junior Division 1st in Kata (form) Junior Division 2nd in Kata (form) Junior Division


Have you recently received an award, won a competition, or did something exciting and amazing? We would love to hear about it! Please Direct Message Mr Walkerden.



Keep an eye on the notices for the upcoming events:

- Netball Cup (range of year groups boys and girls teams)

- Year 7 ACC boys and girls AFL

- Our Lady of Mercy Cross Country

Noah Mills and Calista Harvey

Our Lady of Mercy College 2023 Sports Captains



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