During the last set of holidays, Year 12 student Elysia Shields, took some time out of her studies to volunteer for the Harvey 'Meals on Wheels' programme.
This service provides cheap, nutritional meals to the elderly within the community using food items that have been donated by local businesses. 'Meals on Wheels' relies on volunteers to cook, package and deliver meals.
Elysia, having obtained her driver’s licence in January, saw a unique opportunity to provide a service to others. She collected food items from the kitchen and distributed them to people who had ordered them.
She also took time to talk to some of the people she visited and performed small tasks for them, such as collecting their mail. Elysia is keen to continue volunteering during coming study and holiday breaks.
Elysia says that she enjoys volunteering for 'Meals on Wheels', as she wants to assist the elderly in the community who might be vulnerable at this time. It is her way of giving back to a community that has given her so much.
We are very proud of Elysia, demonstrating our Mercy Values of Compassion, Respect, Hospitality, Service, Courage and Justice in her spare time.