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Harmony Week - Our Cultural Diversity is One of our Greatest Strengths

This week is HARMONY WEEK. During this week, we celebrate Australian multiculturalism and the successful integration of migrants into our community.

Australia is one of the most successful multicultural countries in the world and we should celebrate this and work to maintain it.

Our cultural diversity is one of our greatest strengths and is at the heart of who we are. It makes Australia a great place to live.

Harmony Week is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values.

An integrated multicultural Australia is an integral part of our national identity. All people who migrate to Australia bring with them some of their own cultural and religious traditions, as well as taking on many new traditions. Collectively, these traditions enrich our College community.

Did you know that around 85 of our students were born outside of Australia? This graphic shows some of the countries they were born in.

As part of our Harmony Week celebrations, the Year 7 and Year 11 students participated in a Harmony Walk. Students were encouraged to get to know students outside of their usual group of friends by walking together and completing an activity sheet.

The students enjoyed walking, running and chatting with other students.



Our Lady of Mercy Stories

Embracing life  |  Nurturing faith  |  Inspiring learning

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