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Have Faith in Yourself and Surround Yourself with Like-Minded People.

On Monday, 5 September, 2022, Joel Pember, founding director of Juicebox, a top digital marketing agency in Perth, visited our College to speak about the changing face of technology.

The Year 8 Innovation and Year 10 Business students were all ears as Joel spoke about digital technology, artificial intelligence, work and the world.

He encouraged the students to look within themselves, become passionate about something that could be their future, and go for it. The world is your oyster.

Joel explained that he started with very little. With just a computer, an idea, and hard work, he was able to change and adapt. He now runs a very successful business, employing 50 people and working with industry giants like Andrew Forrest.

Have faith in yourself and surround yourself with like-minded people. Even when things get tough, one can refocus on the dream and move on.

Thank you, Joel, for taking the time to speak to our students. Your presentation has motivated and inspired many of them.



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