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Luke from the ABN Group Inspires Year 10 Students with Insights into Building and Construction Careers

Luke Anderson from the ABN Group recently visited the College and met with eleven Year 10 students. During this session, the students were provided with valuable insights into the many career and apprenticeship opportunities they can offer within the Building and Construction industry.

Luke's presentation highlighted the diverse paths and prospects in the field, aiming to inspire and inform the Year 10s about their future possibilities.

Students in Years 11 and 12 can study VET courses through the VET Delivered to Secondary Student program with a range of external training organisations. Students in Year 10 can apply to study with Bunbury Regional Trade Training Centre, Health Science Hub and South Regional TAFE as a part of their subject selection in Term 3.

For more information on studying VET courses, please contact the OLMC Career Services Team or visit the ABN Group website: ABN Training | Excellence in Building and Construction (


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