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Our Lady of Mercy College Feast Day

Students and staff at Our Lady of Mercy College recently celebrated Feast Day.

Feast Day is one of the important highlights of the year as it is a bit like a birthday. It is the day we set aside to celebrate our creation and to focus upon the blessings and good fortune of life that comes our way. We acknowledge and give thanks that we are fortunate to be a member of our vibrant School Community.

We celebrate all of the really good things that come from being part of this community, including the many activities and opportunities we get to participate in. Examples are:

  • Our friends

  • The opportunity to learn and grow

  • Competitions of all kinds including sport, debating, dance, drama, photography, art, pedal prix, adventure camps, music festivals and a range of other events and activities

  • Opportunities to learn about our future careers, to do work place learning and work experience

  • Opportunities to grow as young people and develop an understanding of who we are and what we stand for

Our Lady of Mercy College is a Catholic school and so the day commenced with celebrations in the beautiful Catholic Cathedral in Bunbury.

During the Mass, students and staff had the opportunity to thank God for the blessings which they receive in being able to go to our school. They had the opportunity to ask for his help as they continue their learning journey.

The staff and students also celebrated Bishop Holohan's 50 years of being a Priest and 20 years of service and leadership as a Bishop.

Following the Mass, Students returned to the College and gathered in their Houses to participate in various activities and challenges.

The activities included House Spirit challenges, such as creating a House Mural. Each House also competed in the Mercy Games, which is a combination of sports and novelty events.

The students showed off their skills, and many of them demonstrated the Mercy Value of Courage throughout the day.

McAuley House won the Mercy Games Trophee and also won first prize in the House Mural competition.

After lunch, the students were treated to a fantastic outdoor concert presented by the Year 12 students. The show included performances from our talented Music students, a dance performance by the Year 12 students and as a Grand Finale, a performance by the staff.

Feast Day 2021 was a memorable, fun-filled day celebrated with great joy.


Our Lady of Mercy Stories

Embracing life  |  Nurturing faith  |  Inspiring learning

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