Earlier in the Term, the College Leadership Team undertook to consider if Our Lady of Mercy College would participate in Country Week activities.
Country Week is conducted by School Sport (Western Australia) and takes place in the last week of Term 2. It is an annual event for senior students in country schools to participate in a range of sport and arts competitions and activities during the week.
Students travel to Perth for the week of events, and schools arrange their transport and accommodation facilities individually.
Part of that consideration was to survey students, parents and staff to ascertain their views on the matter. The results of these surveys are presented in the below document.
Board Consultation
The College Executive considered all of the data available and the potential advantages and disadvantages to the College of participating in Country Week. Particular consideration was given to the potential impact upon the retention of Senior School students. The collective view is that the College would positively benefit from participating in Country Week.
After considering the views of students, parents and staff and following consultation with the College Board, the College Executive was able to develop a balanced community perspective to guide them in their decision making.
I am pleased to advise that Our Lady of Mercy College will participate in Country Week activities and competitions commencing in 2021.
Please watch this video, produced by some of our lower school students on this hot topic.
Background music https://www.fesliyanstudios.com
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